its like marbles or jacks, but with bones.
boys and girls collect the bones and play games like jackers with tnem , and each side of the bone is worth a diferent number of points.
its piggyback with a twist.
1.You and a friend balance a tall stone upright on the ground and take turns trying to knock it over with a pebble or ball.2.If you knock it over first, you get a piggyback ride from your friend, who can only hold on to one of your legs, which you have to bend at the knee. You have to struggle to keep your balance.
3.Your friend has to try to touch the stone while carrying you.
4.Hold your hands over your friend's eyes to make it harder.
the Olimpic games
For the 776 BC to AD 393 Games seeancient olimpic games. For the most recent Summer Games in Beijing, see summer olimpics. For the most recent Winter Games in Vancouver, see 2010 Winter Olympics. For other uses, see Olympic.
Olympic Games |
The Olympic Games are a major international event featuring summer and winter sports, in which thousands of athletes participate in a variety of competitions. The Games are currently held every two years, with Summer and Winter Olympic Games alternating, although they occur every four years within their respective seasonal games. Since 2008, host cities are contracted to manage both the Olympic and the Paralympic
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